Services and Programs
Find information on Townsend Town Meetings, Planning & Zoning,
Elections, Refuse & Recycle, Tax & Assessments, Building Permit & Inspections, Roads, Fire, Police, EMS, License Applications, Parks & Recreation along with a list of Town Ordinances. Check out our Do's and Don't of recycling for our town. Need a new Fire Number? Information Below.
Board Meeting Minutes
Board Meetings are scheduled the second Tuesday of every month at 6:00pm at the Townsend Town Hall. Any updates or changes will be added to the calendar.
Planning & Zoning
The comprehensive planning and zoning meeting is the first Tuesday of every months at 5:00pm at the Townsend Town Hall. Any updates or changes will be added to the calendar.
State of Wisconsin voting information can be found HERE
Registered Wisconsin voters may request an absentee ballot.
If you would like to request an absentee ballot, we will first need to see if you are registered to vote. If you are not registered or your name or address has changed, you will need register or update your registration before requesting an absentee ballot.
If you are in the military, you do not need to be registered to get an absentee ballot, but first we need you to search for your record.
Refuse & Recycle

In November 2023, Townsend Recycling Stickers (2) were sent to each property owner.
This Sticker MUST be displayed on the vehicle you are driving that day. In an effort to keep the budget down we need to reduce disposal from people outside our town boundaries.
All attendants have been authorized to reject anyone that does not have their sticker on that vehicle.
Price List - Recycle Do's and Dont's
Additional stickers can be purchased for $10.00 from the town clerk with proof of property ownership.
NOTE: Effective 2023, only #1, #2 and #5 plastic will be accepted in the Recycling compactor. Please place all other plastic items in the trash

New fire numbers and posts can be purchased from the County
Fire Numbers
Tax & Assessment
Building Permit & Inspections
Tax Assessment in our community are done by Jef Muelver with Summit Assessments and can be reached at (715) 275-4001.
Summit Assessments
P.O. Box 54
Summit Lake, WI 54485
Tom Smith Inspections LLC works with the towns inspections and building permits and can be reached at (920) 655-1735.
Tom Smith
2740 Otto Court
Green Bay, WI 54313
William Lester from Oconto County works with Townsend on any zoning issues you might have and can be reached at (715) 226-6640
William Lester
15152 Island Lake Road
P.O. Box 220
Mountain, WI 54149
Lake, River or Stream guidelines, Oc County RV/Camper Use Guide
Forest Home Cemetery
Plots are $100.00 Please contact Sextons Julie & Terry Vertz @
715-276-1512 to make arrangements
Bob Habeck
(715) 850-1288
Road issues...please call 715-276-1801, leave name, phone # and describe the situation. Someone will be in touch.

Lakewood/Townsend Community Ambulance Service
16003 Village View
Townsend, WI 5175
Phone: (715) 276-1513,
Fax: (715) 276-1613
Townsend Fire Department
17937 Front St.
P.O. Box 129
Townsend, WI 54175
(715) 850-0205
Oconto County Sheriff
301 Washington Street
Oconto, WI 54153
Burning Permit - Order online FREE or pick up at local DNR office during business hours. Obtain a free permit online instantly with an email address.
Townsend Driveway Permit & Application - Anyone considering putting in a driveway must download the following:
Townsend Operator/Bartender License - Print and fill out the license application and return to the clerk at the Town Hall. All license will be subject to town board approval
Picnic License - Event license to sell beer/wine. Print and fill out the license application and return to the clerk at the Town hall. All license will be subject to town board approval.
Dog License - Licenses may be purchased for one year provided that the rabies vaccination is valid for the same period.​
Town Hall Rental Application - If you are interested in renting out the town hall or renting chairs and tables, please return this application.
Resolution 03-2024 explains costs and objectives
Resolution & Application
Oughton Park & Pavillion - Contract
Short Term Rental - The Town of Townsend implemented a Short Term Rental Ordinance and Room Tax January 2024. We require any owner that has a recreational rental comply with the ordinance and apply for an annual license.
Short-Term Rental App
FAQ from state about tourist rooming houses
Parks & Rec

Brookside Park - Location: Cassler Road off Burnt Dam. Fishing Docks and free kayak use for Community.
Oughton Park & Pavillion - Location: PIckeral Lake Rd, Townsend, WI - Fishing Dock and free kayak use for Community on Pickeral Lake.
Pavillion available for Rent - Daily $25 Electricity Use $25
Procurement Procedure Policy 6/11/2024
Amended ATV & UTV road/route 03-2023
Alternative Claims Procedure 02-2023
Alternate Board of Review Alternate 01-2023
UDC Roofing Design & framing Codes Ordinance 01-2022
Update to Ordinance 2-97 Establishing Fire Protections
Adopt Amendment 20-year Comprehensive Plan 05-2021
Control of Animals Ord 3-99
Harmful & exotic wild animals 02-2012
Fire Inspector Position 2017-1
Extend Town Officers terms 01-2013
Elections official amendment to Sec 45
Land division ordinance 01-2009
Townsend Flowage Boating regulations 6-2010
Responsible Recycling Ordinance 2016-2
Regulating Land division 02-2009
Public Peace & Good Order 04-2013
Provisional Bartenders License
Provisional Retail license 2-2018
Ordinance to Establish Street Standards 1-98
Motor Vehicle & Traffic Amendment 8-2018
Moratorium on Land Divisions 2008-1
Mobil Home Park Ordinance 02-2011
Road Parking
In accordance with Ordinance #1-93,
NO PARKING of any vehicle is permitted on roads in the Town of Townsend during the hours of 8:00pm and 8:00am from November 1, 2023 to April 1,2024